The U.S. Army’s challenge was with numerous changes to the future project's dataset prior to construction. The dataset has been difficult to keep updated, as projects undergo many changes prior to construction. Many times, the GIS department is updated after project completion; however, since the digitation of the master plan, upcoming construction is something that planners need to be able to see as it impacts the master plan. Planners are incredibly busy being pulled into meetings onsite, offsite, etc. To get planners to use an application it must be fast and easy to use.
POWTEC’s solution was to create a web application for master planners to easily submit updates to GIS for changes to upcoming projects.
Planners are using the new site to keep the GIS department updated about future projects. Another positive impact is that planners are now treating future project data more seriously, as now it can be overlaid on the master plan data. POWTEC developed an entire GIS dashboard, which not only alerts GIS staff of changes to future projects, but allows staff to create tasks, search data, search database domains, and perform spatial searches for data.